Ten bronze sculptures by Auguste Rodin from the Musée Rodin, Paris in conversation
with thirteen German Expressionist works on paper from the Buchheim Museum der
Phantasie, Bernried. This is the first official exhibition of Rodin the Alma Project.
Auguste RODIN & Otto DIX, Erich HECKEL, Max KAUS, Ernst Ludwig KIRCHNER,
Welcome to our 11th gallery exhibition, the first official presentation by Rodin the Alma
Project, a public – private partnership between the Musée Rodin, Paris, and Side by Side
Gallery Akim Monet, Berlin.
The name Rodin the Alma Project derives from an exhibition held in 1900 by Auguste Rodin
(1840-1917), in which the master presented a retrospective of his sculpture and introduced his
previously unseen works on paper. This exhibition, a turning point in Rodin’s career, took place
at the Pavilion de l’Alma, a mostly glass structure which Rodin designed and built for the Paris
Exposition Universelle of 1900. The works on display at the Pavilion de l'Alma greatly
contributed to Rodin’s international reputation as the father of modern sculpture.
The mission of Rodin the Alma Project is to illustrate the art historical connection between
Rodin and the main proponents of Modernism, and to foster a relationship with creators of
contemporary art. Through exhibitions and symposia at our Berlin gallery and at galleries and
museums around the world, we will draw lines between Rodin and those artists who have
benefited from his legacy, and those who will indeed further it.
Since 2011, Side by Side Gallery Akim Monet has promoted themed conversations among
artists from different periods. In this current exhibition, we give the floor to Rodin and the
German Expressionists. Germany, the birthplace of Expressionism, and Berlin in particular,
from whence came several of its most renowned proponents, is a most appropriate place to
host this colloquy.
The works by Rodin exhibited in Germany and Austria in the early 1900's created a sensation
and greatly contributed to the major change in direction of northern European art and
literature. As Rodin's fame grew, he attracted many followers, including – to name but two -
Gustav Klimt, whom Rodin met in Vienna in 1902, and Rainer Maria Rilke. Rodin’s influence
was far-reaching and even touched Edvard Munch, who painted his "Thinker," Henri Matisse,
whose “Serf” was inspired by Rodin’s “Walking Man,” Constantin Brancusi, and in the literary
realm Octave Mirbeau and Oscar Wilde, among many others.
We hope you enjoy Auguste Rodin: An Expressionist Eye, a journey back to the turn of the
20th Century, from whence Side by Side Gallery Akim Monet, Berlin has chosen to begin the
cycle of exhibitions under the heading of Rodin the Alma Project.