Martin Wöhrl - blanko (Munich)

Martin Wöhrl - blanko (Munich)

Munich, Germany Wednesday, June 18, 2008–Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monika Sprueth and Philomene Magers are delighted to present Martin Woehrl's third solo exhibition at Sprueth Magers Projekte. For this show titled ,blanko’ (= blank, plain, white) he put together several new sculptures and wallpieces.

After a visit of a stalagtite cave in the area of Fraenkische Schweiz in the south of Germany he worked on a group of sculptures titled PAPA BIFI, phallic stalagmites presented on vintage tables that serve as pedestals. Furthermore some new large scale wallpieces will be presented, f.e. PALOMA, the peace dove, a combined relief made out of several found pieces of wood in four different whites and off-whites. Woehrl's recent works refer to domestic and local traditions in an impassionate but also critical way, the work DER HELLE BOCK (The Pale Billy Goat), heraldic animal of the traditional Munich beer Augustiner Maibock, with its overwhelming size seems to make fun of all kinds of local patriotism and cliquism, but at the same time it speaks of Woehrl’s interest in heraldry and traditional imagery.

Recently Martin Woehrl's work had been presented in the United States at Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York, and in Bamberg, Germany at Villa Concordia.. He exhibited in numerous curated group shows, f. e. at the Centre Cultural, Andratx, Spain.