The focus of Walker Fine Art is 20th Century and contemporary art. However, unlike collections which contain pieces that only the rich can afford to buy, and that only intellectuals can explain, this array of original work, while having stood the test of time, is affordable and needs little interpretation.
Gathered under one roof is one of the largest collections ever to be assembled of watercolors, drawings, lithographs, and woodcuts by M.C. Escher. The works of this renown and late Dutch artist are now considered a national treasure by a country with a history of artists that overwhelms the country's small size.
Rare and unique mezzotints by Yozo Hamaguchi bring new qualities to an old form of printing. Hamaguchi is the undisputed master of the color mezzotint process, having added a zen-like quality to his work. The depth and beauty of these works need to be seen by the serious collector of prints.
Bridging the millenniums is the sculptor Ernest Trova. One of the largest collections in the world of this shining example of modern art (walking, falling, etc.) is available for purchase or just for amazement.
All M.C. Escher’s Works and Text © The M.C. Escher Company, Baarn, The Netherlands. All Rights Reserved. M.C. Escher ® is a Registered Trademark.