SUBSCRIBEThe Price Database offers the most reliable, transparent, and comprehensive archive of auction results in the world. With over 11 million color-illustrated art auction records dating back to 1985, the database includes over 1,700 auction houses and more than 330,000 artists. Every lot is catalogued, translated, and edited by our team of multilingual specialists, making lots quick and easy to find. Used by international auction houses, galleries, and collectors, the Price Database is the leading tool for art market research.
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“Members of the Appraisers Association of America have used artnet’s Price Databases with confidence and reliability. The artnet Price Database is the go-to tool for appraisers seeking data that they can trust to develop their values. In addition, we recommend to all our students to use the artnet Price Database in their studies and once they become practicing appraisers. We are grateful to have this database available to us.”