Albert Eugene Gallatin (American, 1952)

Birth of American Abstraction The 1936 5 Concretionists Exhibition

May 13–Jul 30, 2021

D. Wigmore Fine Art, Inc
New York, NY USA

Our exhibition of 40 works – paintings, constructions, reliefs in wood and plaster, collages, and works on paper – focuses on the 1936 exhibition Five Contempor...

The Park Avenue Cubists

Apr 26–Jun 4, 2021

Schoelkopf Gallery
New York, NY USA

Menconi + Schoelkopf’s exhibition of The Park Avenue Cubists presents works by Albert E. Gallatin, George L. K. Morris, and Charles Green Shaw–artists...

Developing Abstraction Through Collage Paintings of the 1930s-1940s

May 20–Aug 23, 2019

D. Wigmore Fine Art, Inc
New York, NY USA

Developing Abstraction through Collage considers how pioneer American abstract artists created their non-objective compositions. The exhibition of over 30 paint...