Andreas Gefeller (German, born )


Born in Düsseldorf, Germany
Study of photography at the University of Essen, diploma with distinction by Prof. Bernhard Prinz
Membership in the German Academy of Photography (DFA)
Reinhart Wolf Prize 2001, Hamburg: Prizewinner
Gefeller’s photobook “Soma” is published at Hatje Cantz Publishers
Peter Keetmann Award 2002, Hamburg: Commendation
Umbo Photo Prize 2003, Lippstadt: Nomination
KunstRai Prize 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Nomination
European Award of Architectural Photography 2003, Bonn: Commendation
Kunstpreis der Stadt Nordhorn, Nordhorn: Prizewinner
Phase One Prize, Vevey, Switzerland: Prizewinner
Gefeller’s photobook “Supervisions” is published at Hatje Cantz Publishers
Leadaward, Hamburg: Prizewinner
Real Photography Award, Amsterdam, Nominee
Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany


Seoul Photography Festival 2011, Seoul, South Korea
Metropolis: City Life in the Urban Age, Noorderlicht Photofestival, Groningen, The Netherlands
Spektrale 2011, Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, Germany
Für Hund und Katz ist auch noch Platz, Art Foyer DZ Bank, Frankfurt - Westend, Germany
Size Matters: Large Scale European Photography, art:sensus, London, England
A to Z. Great Photographs from the Norton Collection, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, USA
Spannungsbogen. Figur und Raum. Aus der Sammlung, Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftwerk, Cottbus, Germany
Andreas Gefeller: The Japan Series, Hasted Kraeutler, New York, USA (solo)
Andreas Gefeller: Photographs, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany (solo)
Stiftungspreis für Fotokunst 2010, Fotopreis der Alison und Peter Klein Stiftung, KUNSTWERK, Eberdingen - Nussdorf, Germany
The Japan Series, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Cologne, Germany (solo)
Andreas Gefeller: Photographs, Landesgalerie Linz, Austria (solo)
Forum 019: Andreas Gefeller: Photographs, Stadtmuseum München, Sammlung Fotografie, Germany (solo)
European Eyes on Japan / Japan Today vol. 12, Japan, Antrepo N5, Istanbul, Turkey
Landschaft ohne Horizont – Landscape without horizon, Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau, Germany
Who wants to use my windows?, Paolo Maria Deanesi Gallery, Rovereto, Italy
Pittoresk: Neue Perspektiven auf das Landschaftsbild, Museum Marta Herford, Herford, Germany
10 Jahre BAT Campus Galerie. Jubiläumsausstellung, BAT CampusGalerie, Bayreuth, Germany
Realtà Manipolata / Manipulating Reality, Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, Italy
Veto – Zeitgenössische Positionen in der deutschen Fotografie, Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
NOW NEW: New Works New Space, Proje4L Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey
Andreas Gefeller, Hasted Hunt Gallery, New York, USA (solo)
Andreas Gefeller, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarlandmuseum, Germany (solo)
Nature and Nation, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
Ferne Nähe: Natur in der Kunst der Gegenwart, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Andreas Gefeller, Zern, Berlin, Germany (solo)
Andreas Gefeller: Supervisions - neue Arbeiten, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Cologne, Germany (solo)
Galerie Reckermann, Cologne, Germany
Support the Bauhaus!, Bauhaus-Archiv Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin, Germany
Angelandet. Die Sammlung im neuen Haus, Kunstmuseum Diesel Kraftwerk, Cottbus, Germany
Chisel, New York Photography Festival, New York, USA
Wert-Schaetzung, Sander Collection, Berlin, Germany
Real Photography Award, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Supervisions, Zern, Berlin, Germany (solo)
Supervisions, Kunstverein Augsburg, Germany (solo)
Andreas Gefeller, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Cologne, Germany (solo)
Supervisions, HASTED HUNT, New York, USA (solo)
Supervisions, Kunstverein Heinsberg, Germany (solo)
Made in Germany, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
Spectacular City, NRW Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
Unter Sternen: Aus der Sammlung Willy Michel, Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Switzerland
Tschernobyl, Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin, Germany
Perceptions of Everyday Life, Veletrzni Palace, Tina B. Art Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
Prix du Festival Voies Off, Arles, France
Homestories, Galerie Muensterland, Emsdetten, Germany
On the Road - Unterwegs, Galerie Herrmann & Wagner, Berlin, Germany
Spectacular City, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Supervisions, Dubbelbee Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (solo)
Supervisions, Campus Galerie, Bayreuth, Germany (solo)
Supervisions, Loerakker Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (solo)
Les Grands Spectacles, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
Hidden Sites, Groningen, The Netherlands
ev+a, Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick, Ireland
Constructed Moment, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Leadaward, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
Gezaehmte Natur, Brandenburgische Kunstsammlung, Cottbus, Germany
Encontros da Imagem, Braga, Portugal
Festival Images, Vevey, Switzerland
Urbane Raeume, Eur. Architekturfotopreis 2003, Goethe-Institut, Budapest, Hungary
Biennale de Liïge, Espace dArt Contemporain, Liïge, Belgium
Kunstpreis der Stadt Nordhorn, Staedtische Galerie Nordhorn, Germany (solo)
Supervisions, Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Cologne, Germany (solo)
Supervisions, Loerakker Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (solo)
Umbo Photopreis, Staedtische Galerie Lippstadt, Germany
Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Germany
Rueckblende: Hochsommer, with Norbert Bisky, Sven Kroner and others, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Germany
Die Verheissung des Individuellen, Staedtische Galerie, Leinfelden, Germany
Andreas Gefeller, Josef Schulz, Thomas Proffe, Galerie 14-1, Stuttgart, Germany
Urbane Raeume, Eur. Architekturfotopreis 2003, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany
Peter Keetmann Preis 2002, Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Germany
Soma, Galerie Hohmann, Hamburg, Germany (solo)
Soma, Galerie Burkhard Eikelmann, Düsseldorf, Germany (solo)
Reinhart Wolf Preis 2001, Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany