Emile Jacques Grumieaux (Belgian, born )


EMILE JACQUES GRUMIEAUX was born in Gosslies, Hainaut, Belgium, on May 17, 1897, and studied art in various European and American cities. He has painted in Belgium, France, England and Canada, and, in this country, in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia.
He is a member of the Chicago Society of Artists, the Chicago No-Jury Society of Artists, the Illinois Academy of Fine Art and 10 Artists (Chicago). He has exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Toronto Art Museum, the Illinois Academy of Fine Art, the University of Michigan, the Kansas City Museum and the Detroit Museum.
A one-artist show of his work has been held at the Chicago Woman's Aid. The Chicago Society of Artists Gold Medal, and the Eames Mac Veagh Purchase Prize (in the Illinois Academy) have been awarded him. He is represented in the Springfield, Illinois, Museum. His work has been written about in Chicago publications, by R. A. Lennon, Irwin St. John Tucker, Tom Vickerman and J. 2. Jacobson.