Giuseppe Gallo (Italian, born )

XXL - Grossformatige Werke der Gegenwartskunst XXL - Contemporary large-sized Paintings and Sculptures

Feb 7–Jun 20, 2020
February 7, 2020, Noon–7 p.m.

Galerie Henze & Ketterer
Riehen, Switzerland

 Grossformate spielten von jeher eine bedeutende Rolle in der Kunstgeschichte. Sei es im Alten Ägypten die Pyramiden, Götterstatuen oder Wandbilder, im alt...

Giuseppe Gallo Il teatro assurdo del viandante

Dec 2, 2017–Mar 30, 2018

Galleria dello Scudo
Verona, Italy

From the very beginning, Giuseppe Gallo’s art has shown a variety of expressions that hover between the use of antique techniques and an experimentation with ne...