Gwynn Murrill (American, born )


Feb 4–Mar 10, 2020

Gail Severn Gallery
Ketchum, ID USA

Featuring  work by Pamela DeTuncq, Chris Maynard, Robert McCauley, Gwynn Murrill, and Mary Snowden this annual exhibition addresses man’s relationship to n...

Flora Fauna VII

May 1–Jun 10, 2019

Gail Severn Gallery
Ketchum, ID USA

Deborah Butterfield, Theodore Waddell, James Cook, Pamela DeTuncq, Michael Gregory, Jane Rosen, Diane Andrews Hall, Margaret Keelan, Lisa Kokin, Hung Liu, Laura...

Flora and Fauna VI

May 24–Jun 20, 2018

Gail Severn Gallery
Ketchum, ID USA

Pamela DeTuncq, Betsy Eby, Michael Gregory, Morris Graves, Valerie Hammond, Hung Liu, Kenna Moser, Kathy Moss, Gwynn Murrill, Carolyn Olbum, Anne Siems, Jack Sp...

Victoria Adams Gwynn Murrill

Mar 6–Apr 15, 2018
March 9, 2018, 5 p.m.–8 p.m.

Gail Severn Gallery
Ketchum, ID USA

Victoria Adams’ recent body of work includes both her large-scale landscapes and small intimate jewel like paintings of oil on linen.  Featuring her signat...