Hilla Rebay (American, 1967)

Visual Rhythms Dialogues in Abstraction

May 15–Jun 24, 2023

Weinstein Gallery
San Francisco, CA USA

Weinstein Gallery is proud to present Visual Rhythms: Dialogues in Abstraction. Featuring over fifty paintings, sculptures, and works on paper created by t...

Developing Abstraction Through Collage Paintings of the 1930s-1940s

May 20–Aug 23, 2019

D. Wigmore Fine Art, Inc
New York, NY USA

Developing Abstraction through Collage considers how pioneer American abstract artists created their non-objective compositions. The exhibition of over 30 paint...

25th Anniversary

Dec 16, 2017–Jan 20, 2018

Weinstein Gallery
San Francisco, CA USA

The Making of the Museum of Non-Objective Painting The Birth of the Guggenheim

Jun 1–30, 2017

Weinstein Gallery
San Francisco, CA USA

San Francisco, CA—Weinstein Gallery is proud to present Making the Museum of Non-Objective Painting: The Birth of the Guggenheim, opening on the 78th anniversar...