James Wells Champney (American, 1903)


Painter, illustrator, sketch artist engraver, teacher
Born in Boston, lived in NYC, MA, New Orleans, LA active 1873-74
Studied: Lowell Inst,. MA, Edouard Frere’, 1866, Academie d’ Anvers, France, Antwerp Academy, 1868, with Van Lerius
Member: Assoc. National Academy, Am. Watercolor Soc., Boston Art Club, SC, Boston Watercolor Club, NAC, Century Assn., Players, AFAS, MMA
Positions: Instructor, Smith College, Hartford Soc. Des. Art
Established a reputation as a genre painter of rural scenes and country home life
Among the first American artists to adopt Impressionism
1859 He was apprenticed to a Boston wood engraver (at age 16), then fought in the Civil War, discharged because of malaria
1864-66 Taught at a ladies school
Studied in France until 1870
1873-74 Went to New Orleans for Scribner’s Monthly with journalist Edward King to portray the South in a series of illustrated articles
1880 He practically abandoned oils and watercolor to devote his entire energies to pastels
Son of Benjamin Champney



Encyclopedia of New Orleans Artists, P & H Samuels, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 300 Years of American Art