Julius Tobias (American, 1999)

Line, Shape, Color, and Form

Nov 6–Dec 30, 2021
November 6, 2021, 5 p.m.–8 p.m.

Hollis Taggart
Southport, CT USA

On November 6, Hollis Taggart Southport is pleased to present, Line, Shape, Color, and Form, a group exhibition featuring paintings and sculpture that examines ...

The Art of the Discovery Post-War Selections

Feb 18–Mar 27, 2021
February 26, 2021, 4 p.m.–8 p.m.

Hollis Taggart
Southport, CT USA

On February 18th, Hollis Taggart Southport is pleased to present The Art of the Discovery, a group exhibition featuring paintings and sculpture from our po...

Julius Tobias Capturing Space, Paintings from the 50s 60s

May 10–Jun 2, 2018

Hollis Taggart
New York, NY USA

Hollis Taggart Galleries presents its first exhibition of paintings by Julius Tobias (1915-1999), Julius Tobias: Capturing Space, Paintings from the 50s & 6...