Katsutoshi Yuasa (Japanese, b.1978) is a Tokyo-born artist, best-known for his large, detailed woodcuts based on photographs. He received a BA in Fine Art, painting, and printmaking from Musashino Art University in Tokyo, and later went on to complete his MA at the Royal College of Art in London. Since graduating, Yuasa has had residencies in Israel, France, Netherlands, and the United States. He describes his work as a fusion between traditional Japanese printmaking and contemporary image capture, translating pixels into hand-carved lines on wooden blocks.
Yuasa has held exhibitions at a number of international institutions, including,
We are all a bit Different at the Chambers Gallery in London, England (2004);
Woodcuts at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen, Netherlands (2008); and
Miraculous at the ISE Cultural Foundation in New York, NY (2013). He is represented by
TAG Fine Arts in London. He lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.