Kool Koor (American, born )

Beginning his career in 1979, writing Graffiti on the subway trains and throughout the urban landscape of New York City, Kool Koor (American, b.1963) grew up surrounded by such artists as A-One and Toxic (American, b.1965), who lived in the same neighborhood in the South Bronx. He’s known for his space-age-inspired works, which range from surreal scenes to intricate works of abstraction. Attending the Art and Design School in Midtown meant Kool Koor had plenty of access to the subway on his commute to and from school, allowing him to gain notoriety through collaborative and individual works on the trains. Known for bringing the South Bronx style to downtown Manhattan, at such venues as Fashion Moda, artists such as Kool Koor, Rammellzee (American, 1960–2010), A-One, and others were some of the first to completely diverge from classic Graffiti Art, pushing the boundaries of their work to transform urban scrawl into something completely innovative in the artistic scene.