Leopold Strobl (Austrian, born )

gugging art brut

Sep 18–Oct 23, 2021
September 18, 2021, 4 p.m.–8 p.m.

New York, NY USA

Ricco/Maresca Gallery is pleased to present gugging / art brut, a group exhibition featuring over 30 works by seven artists produced from the 1970s to...

Leopold Strobl One

Oct 29, 2020–Jan 9, 2021
October 29, 2020, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

New York, NY USA

Imagine a world where woods, mountains, houses, buildings, cities and villages, roads, meadows, beaches, lakes and oceans exist in complete stillness; a silence...

LEOPOLD STROBL SMALLSCAPES In association with Galerie Gugging

Apr 28–Jun 11, 2016
April 28, 2016, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

New York, NY USA

The captivating and mysterious world presented in Smallscapes comes by way of a series of intimately scaled drawings that persuade us—like magnetic little porta...