Michael Petry (American, born )


BA Rice University, Houston, TX
MA London Guildhall University


America the Beautiful, New works, Sundaram Tagore Gallery, NY
In the Garden of Eden, An installation, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, Texas
True Love, new glass works Westbrook Gallery, London, UK
The Treasure of Memory, glass installation, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, Texas
Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York, NY Next Level
Was: White as Snow, installations, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, Texas
The Space Between, super string installation, Art and Complexity, Torino, Italy
Hidden Histories: 20th Century Male Same Sex Lovers in the Visual Arts, Petry curated and wrote an accompanying book, New Art Gallery Walsall, UK
The Milky Way and Other Fairy Tales, one man show of installations and studio work, Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York, January
The Sound of Breaking Glass, Sangre de Torros, a glass installation, and related photo works for the Prowler Project Space, London October, Sponsor: Royal Academy Schools
Sex for Sale, pearl and leather installed painting, for the “Independence Show” at the South London Gallery
The Axis, an outdoor glass installation for the ‘In the Gloaming’ exhibition at ArtOMI, Hudson New York, curated by Koan Jeff Baysa
Pearl Paintings, Summer Group show, Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York
Blood Line: Passage, a glass installation at the Pamela Auchincloss Project Space, New York, in a group show ‘Lysis’, curated by Koan Jeff Baysa, October
Zero Carat, works from the Donna Schneier Collection, American Museum of Craft, New York, Hard Back Catalogue ISBN: 1-890385-08-5
Barely Legal, studio works, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston
Self Portrait 2001, white crystal, nylon sculpture for ‘The Difference b etween you & us’, Five Years, London
Blackout, a group exhibition curated by Petry, Brixton Art Gallery, London
Fears, a video work, Brixton Art Gallery, London
Laughing at Time, an exhibition of two site specific installations (The Treasure of Memory and Forgotten Kisses) using handmade lead crystal, Ha gamle prestegard Gallery, Norway
Contagion, an installation for BN1 featuring 144 suspended red human heart shaped glass objects, Gardner Centre for the Arts, Sponsor: Brighton Festival
Nothing Changes: Stavanger, an indoor installation featuring music and a video projection on snow, for the ‘UTOPIA’ exhibition. Rogaland Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, Norway
The History of the World, a multi-media video projection onto 72 tones of white sand based on Aristophanes’ depiction of the birth of desire. Rice Art Gallery, Houston
The Fluid Man, installation using hand blown English crystal on steel wire depicting male body fluids based on Petry’s dimensions, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston
54x54x54, a photographic project organised by Petry featuring 54 artists making 54 photographs a piece, Financial Times Building, London, and internet site
Nothing Changes: London, installation featuring tobacco, talcum powder and video projection. Pride Arts Festival, Strike Gallery, London, Sponsor: Prowler UK
TWISTOR, 4 wind fans, 300 kilos of confetti, a video projection of a computer animation by Petry of Twistor space, the smallest known subatomic particles. Commissioned for the ‘7th Papier Biennale - Electric Paper’, Leopold Hoesch Museum, Duren, Germany, Sponsor: Woods, Twistor won 2nd prize
The Wormhole, a room sized light and sound model installation, part of the ‘Dark Matter’ exhibition, Turnpike Gallery (Leigh), Angel Row Gallery(Nottingham), and Howard Gardens Gallery (Cardiff)
Nothing Changes: Amsterdam, installation featuring tobacco, talcum powder, video projection, and music. The Gay Games Art Festival, Vrieshuis and Art Kitchen, Amsterdam
Nothing Changes, installation featuring tobacco, talcum powder and video projection, and music for ‘Partie 5’, Brandenburgische Kunsttage, Internationales Kunstforum Drewen, Germany
You see what I mean, installation featuring clothes, blue powder pigment, video, soundtrack, light BN1 Event 3, Fabrica, Brighton
Constellations, Mercedes car stars, wire, and music by Greenaway and Powell. Commissioned for Mercedes Benz at the Birmingham Motor show, Sponsor: Mercedes Benz
The Wormhole, a room sized installation model using light and heat. Peterborough Museum of Art, Derby Museum, Wooster Museum of Art