Group Show of our Artists represented

Group Show of our Artists represented

5 rue Pierre au Lard Paris, 75004, France Tuesday, September 1, 2020–Saturday, October 31, 2020 Opening Reception: Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Art Trope Gallery presents a collective exhibition that you can discover via 

- our website :

- our virtual tour :

- our teaser video :

flame by florence sartori

Florence Sartori

Flame, 2017

2,800 EUR

chrysalide by florence sartori

Florence Sartori

Chrysalide, 2017


uturuncu by nathan soulez-larivière

Nathan Soulez-Larivière

Uturuncu, 2018

350 EUR

at the pink basin by nathan soulez-larivière

Nathan Soulez-Larivière

At the pink basin, 2018

350 EUR

nl#82  by charles weber

Charles Weber

NL#82 , 2013

2,600 EUR

ART-TROPE is delighted to announce the opening of the ART TROPE GALLERY, with over a thousand square feet of exhibition space. Located on the site previously occupied by the Galerie du Centre, on 5 rue Pierre au Lard, Le Marais, the Art-Trope Gallery is just a few steps away from the prestigious Pompidou Center in central Paris.


At ART TROPE GALLERY, our aim is to provide innovative, long-term support to our artists by offering them a physical exhibition space in the vicinity of the celebrated Pompidou Center in Paris, as well as international exposure and visibility tailored to their targeted clientele. 

Our long-standing network with established players in the art world throughout Europe, the United States and Asia, affords our artists the opportunity to participate in exhibitions across the globe. Our slogan: a gallery like no other. 

Whether you are new to art, and seeking advice on starting your collection, or an experienced collector, we will be sure to lend you an attentive ear and take you on a journey to the heart of the creative minds of our exhibiting artists.