

Paris Paris, France Tuesday, September 1, 2020–Saturday, October 31, 2020

miss s by florence sartori

Florence Sartori

Miss S, 2017

3,250 EUR

flame by florence sartori

Florence Sartori

Flame, 2017

2,800 EUR

chrysalide by florence sartori

Florence Sartori

Chrysalide, 2017


uturuncu by nathan soulez-larivière

Nathan Soulez-Larivière

Uturuncu, 2018

350 EUR

at the pink basin by nathan soulez-larivière

Nathan Soulez-Larivière

At the pink basin, 2018

350 EUR

nl#82  by charles weber

Charles Weber

NL#82 , 2013

2,600 EUR

 Vernissage d'ouverture de la Art Trope Gallery le Mercredi 23 septembre