"Chasing the Landscape"

"Chasing the Landscape"

665 S. Skinker Blvd Saint Louis, MO 63105, USA Friday, April 14, 2023–Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Opening Reception: Friday, April 14, 2023, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

"glitch in green space" by adam straus

Adam Straus

"Glitch in Green Space", 2016

5,000 USD

"old news: water lilies at st. marks wildlife refuge" by adam straus

Adam Straus

"Old News: Water Lilies at St. Marks Wildlife Refuge"

9,000 USD

"glitch in the majestic: yosemite" by adam straus

Adam Straus

"Glitch in the Majestic: Yosemite", 2017

9,000 USD

"flanders field" by adam straus

Adam Straus

"Flanders Field", 2020

9,000 USD

   Atrium announces an upcoming Spring Exhibition, “Chasing the Landscape.” Featured artists are Leila Daw, Ellen Glasgow and Adam Straus.  This exhibition contrasts three approaches to our treasured landscape and helps to focus on the value, inspiration, and disparate reactions to current values and insights regarding our national surroundings.  Included are thoughts about how and what to preserve, how to enjoy, and the ramifications of cultural changes.     Daw is known for her mapping views, with many scenes including bodies of water. Her work is also very influenced by frequent international travel and exposure not only to landscapes, but to cultural approaches in terms of creative responses.  Daw lived in St. Louis for several years earlier in her career with an active studio and also teaching at Washington University, where she received an MFA, and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She left to take a teaching position at MCA, Boston where she is now Professor Emeritus. She has work included in a number of corporate and public collections nationally and in St. Louis, including Washington University and St. Louis Art Museum.    Glasgow is deeply inspired by the beauty of mid America, her native Kentucky, and surrounding areas.  The sensitive and serene views she depicts are exquisite and remind viewers what to enjoy and preserve.  As a military spouse she has lived in many areas and has an appreciation for a wide range of locales.  Glasgow is from Kentucky where she was educated and has spent most of her later years.  She has been very active nationally and has a large following of collectors.     Straus, although raised in Florida, has been active in the New York area, his current home, during most of his career.  He is interested in the mystery and responses to our natural surroundings as lived in spaces as well as including man made intrusions.  Straus is highly respected for his contemporary approach to landscape which goes far beyond nostalgia. He is well known and respected nationally with work in collections from coast to coast.  A very deep thinking artist, Straus has much to share about the environment and history of our reactions to and inspirations from it.  He is represented in a number of impressive corporate and public collections across the country.    Both Daw and Glasgow have been showing at Atrium since its inception in 1986 and Straus has been shown at Atrium for the last decade.