from paroles peintes iv by roberto matta

Roberto Matta

from Paroles Peintes IV, 1970

2,200 USD

arancia from the seta series by doris mccarthy

Doris McCarthy

arancia from the Seta series, 2021

1,000 USD

lampone from the seta series by doris mccarthy

Doris McCarthy

lampone from the Seta series, 2021

1,000 USD

funzionario from the seta series by doris mccarthy

Doris McCarthy

funzionario from the Seta series, 2021


giallouno from the seta series by doris mccarthy

Doris McCarthy

giallouno from the Seta series, 2021


orizzontale from the seta series by doris mccarthy

Doris McCarthy

orizzontale from the Seta series, 2021

1,000 USD

rosadue from the seta series by doris mccarthy

Doris McCarthy

rosadue from the Seta series, 2021

1,000 USD

two women bathing child ii by henry moore

Henry Moore

Two Women Bathing Child II, 1973

2,800 USD

sisters with children by henry moore

Henry Moore

Sisters with Children, 1979

2,800 USD

two fat lambs by henry moore

Henry Moore

Two Fat Lambs, 1974

2,800 USD

poetry: three reclining figures by henry moore

Henry Moore

Poetry: Three Reclining Figures, 1975

2,400 USD

femme allongee by henry moore

Henry Moore

Femme Allongee, 1975


two heads by henry moore

Henry Moore

Two Heads, 1975

2,200 USD

ideas from a sketchbook by henry moore

Henry Moore

Ideas from a Sketchbook, 1975

2,400 USD

three sculptural forms by henry moore

Henry Moore

Three Sculptural Forms, 1975

2,400 USD

creole lady by henry moore

Henry Moore

Creole Lady, 1975

2,400 USD