Andy Warhol
Grevy's Zebra 1983 from Endangered Species F&S II.300, 1983
275,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Campbell's Soup II, Scotch Broth F&S II.55, 1969
49,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Bighorn Ram from Endangered Species, 1983
110,000 USD
Andy Warhol
San Francisco Silverspot, Endangered Species F&S II.298, 1983
109,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Flowers F&S II.65, 1970
67,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Chanel from Ads F&S II.354, 1985
295,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Alexander The Great F&S IIB.291-292, 1982
165,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Mao F&S II.95, 1972
Andy Warhol
Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn) F&S II.29, 1967
Andy Warhol
Truck F&S II.370, 1985
Andy Warhol
Mick Jagger F&S II.140, 1975
195,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Mick Jagger F&S II.143, 1975
145,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Campbell's Soup II, Cheddar Cheese F&S II.63, 1969
49,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Campbell's Soup I, Onion F&S II.47, 1968
45,000 USD
Andy Warhol
Details of Renaissance Paintings (Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus 1482) F&S II.317, 1984
Andy Warhol
Mick Jagger F&S II.144, 1975
175,000 USD