Robert Rauschenberg
Canto VIII: Circle 5+6, The Styx, The Wrathful; Dis - Capital of Hell, The Fallen Angels, 1958
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto IX: Circle 6, The Heretics, 1958
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XII: Circle 7, Round 1, The Violent Against Neighbours, 1958
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XIII: Circle 7, Round 2, The Violent Against Themselves, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XIV: Circle 7, Round 3, The Violent Against God, Nature, And Art, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XV: Circle 7, Round 3, The Violent Against Nature, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XVI: Circle 7, Round 3, The Violent Against Nature And Art, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XVII: Circle 7, Round 3, The Violent Against Art, The Usurers, Geryon, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XIX: Circle 8, Bolgia 3, The Simoniacs, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XX: Circle 8, Bolgia 4, The Fortune Tellers And Diviners, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XVIII: Circle 8, Malebolge, The Evil Ditches, The Fraudulent And Malicious; Bolgia 1, The Panderers And Seducers; Bolgia 2, The Flatterers, 1959
1,500 EUR
Robert Rauschenberg
Canto XXI: Circle 8, Bolgia 5, The Grafters, 1959
1,500 EUR