Alfredo Jaar

(Chilean, born 1956)

magician by alfredo jaar

Alfredo Jaar

Magician, created: 1972

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what need is there to weep over parts of life? the whole of it calls for tears by alfredo jaar

Alfredo Jaar

What Need is There to Weep Over Parts of Life? The Whole of it Calls for Tears, 2018

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pier paolo pasolini by alfredo jaar

Alfredo Jaar

Pier Paolo Pasolini, 2010–2012

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a logo for america by alfredo jaar

Alfredo Jaar

A Logo for America, 1987

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other people think by alfredo jaar

Alfredo Jaar

Other People Think, 2012

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a logo for america (1987-2014) by alfredo jaar

Alfredo Jaar

A Logo for America (1987-2014), 2016

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Born in Santiago, Chile
Degree from the Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura
Universidad de Chile
New York State Council of the Arts Grant
Guggenheim Fellowship
MacArthur Fellowship
Currently lives and works in New York


Art Unlimited 2013, Basel, Switzerland
55th Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
2012 - 2013
Bilderbedarf. Braucht Gesellschaft Kunst?, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, Germany
This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics, Museum of Contemporary Art, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA, USA
Glissement de terrain, Lanchelevici Museum, La Louviere, France (September 21 to December 23, 2012)
Fünf Wolken, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany (solo)
Newtopia - The State of Human Rights, Mechelen, Belgium
The Story Tellers, The Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway
Tranformed Visions - Tate Modern Collection Displays, Tate Modern, London, England
KULTUR=KAPITAL, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, Germany


Alfredo Jaar. La politique des images, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, Switzerland, cat. 2007, with texts by Catherine Lepdor, Georges Didi-Huberman, Jacques Rancière and Griselda Pollock
Strauss, Daniel Levy, Adriana Valdès, Pablo Chiuminatto, Rodrigo Zúniga, Sandra Accatino, Bruno Cuneo and Ana María Risco, "A critical week in Chile", in: The Brooklyn Rail, New York, February 2007, pg. 60-63
Valdés, Adriana (ed.), Jaar SCL 2006, Fundación Telefónica et Galería Mistral, Santiago, ACTAR, Barcelona 2006, with texts by Sandra Accatino, Pablo Chiuminatto, Bruno Cuneo, Ana María Risco, Adriana Valdés, Rodrigo Zúniga
Muxima, Grand Arts, Kansas City 2005, with a text by Patricia C. Phillips
Alfredo Jaar. The Fire This Time: Public Interventions 1979 – 2005, Charta, Milan 2005, with texts by Mary Jane Jacob, Nancy Princenthal
Alfredo Jaar, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma, MACRO & Electra, Milan 2005, with texts by Gianni Vattimo, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jeff Derksen & Neil Smith, Dobrila Denegri
Alfredo Jaar, Anna Baneri, Roberto Pinto & Ramon Prat (éds.), Alfredo Jaar. The Aesthetics of Resistance, ACTAR, Barcelona 2005, with texts by Emanuela De Cecco, Roberto Pinto, Annie Ratti, Gianni Vattimo
Maderuelo, Javier. "El poder de la imágenes", El País , June 7
Lundström, Jan-Erik. "Alfredo Jaar: Bilders klagan", Paletten 249/250
Levi-Strauss, David. "A Sea of Griefs is Not a Proscenium", Essay in Between The Eyes, Essays on Photography and Politics, New York: Aperture