untitled (24) by ben cauchi

Ben Cauchi

Untitled (24), 2018

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untitled (12) by ben cauchi

Ben Cauchi

Untitled (12), 2017

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untitled (5) by ben cauchi

Ben Cauchi

Untitled (5), 2017

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untitled (13) by ben cauchi

Ben Cauchi

Untitled (13), 2017

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black light by ben cauchi

Ben Cauchi

Black light, 2015

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first light - the south indian ocean, the cape of good hope, #2, south africa, the southwest-most point of continental africa by thomas joshua cooper

Thomas Joshua Cooper

First light - The South Indian Ocean, the Cape of Good Hope, #2, South Africa, the Southwest-Most Point of Continental Africa, 2004

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st. baithéne, evensong, abbey st bathans, berwickshire, scotland 2019/2020 by thomas joshua cooper

Thomas Joshua Cooper

St. Baithéne, Evensong, Abbey St Bathans, Berwickshire, Scotland 2019/2020, 2019

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the swelling of the sea - furthest west - the atlantic ocean - point ardnamurchan, scotland - the west-most point of mainland great britain by thomas joshua cooper

Thomas Joshua Cooper

The Swelling of the Sea - Furthest West - The Atlantic Ocean - Point Ardnamurchan, Scotland - The West-most point of mainland Great Britain, 2001

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the river north esk - the north esk gorge - edzell, angus, scotland by thomas joshua cooper

Thomas Joshua Cooper

The River North Esk - The North Esk Gorge - Edzell, Angus, Scotland, 2000

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picnicking on the river north esk - glen esk, angus, scotland by thomas joshua cooper

Thomas Joshua Cooper

Picnicking on the River North Esk - Glen Esk, Angus, Scotland, 1997–2014

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the mouth of the water of leith - rennie’s lock - edinburgh, scotland by thomas joshua cooper

Thomas Joshua Cooper

The mouth of the Water of Leith - Rennie’s Lock - Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997

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aberdeen studio (my blue period) by andrew cranston

Andrew Cranston

Aberdeen studio (my blue period), 2023

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classroom by andrew cranston

Andrew Cranston

Classroom, 2023

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walled garden (after paul klee) by andrew cranston

Andrew Cranston

Walled garden (after Paul Klee)

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good grief by andrew cranston

Andrew Cranston

Good grief, 2022

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cascade i by susan derges

Susan Derges

Cascade I, 2020

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