The Best of the Contemporaries

The Best of the Contemporaries

16 Hazelton Avenue Toronto, ON M5R 2E2, Canada Friday, July 2, 2021–Saturday, July 24, 2021

interlude by valerie palmer

Valerie Palmer


48,000 CAD

equinox by valerie palmer

Valerie Palmer



renunciation by valerie palmer

Valerie Palmer



les portes qui ferment nos histoires by jacques payette

Jacques Payette

Les portes qui ferment nos histoires

16,000 CAD

les fenêtres ouvertes par où nos regards s’évadent by jacques payette

Jacques Payette

Les fenêtres ouvertes par où nos regards s’évadent


un parfum de matin by jacques payette

Jacques Payette

Un parfum de matin, 2015

15,700 CAD

brood parasite by roberto rosenman

Roberto Rosenman

Brood Parasite, 2020

3,900 CAD

seal river crossing by peter sawatzky

Peter Sawatzky

Seal River Crossing

Price on Request

monumental black bear by peter sawatzky

Peter Sawatzky

Monumental Black Bear

180,000 CAD

first lesson, cougar family by peter sawatzky

Peter Sawatzky

First Lesson, Cougar Family, 2009

78,000 USD

western promontory by w. david ward

W. David Ward

Western Promontory, 2019

2,400 CAD

lake side by w. david ward

W. David Ward

Lake Side, 2020

2,400 CAD

Loch Gallery is proud to present a selection of paintings, sculpture and photography by our gallery artists. We welcome art enthusiasts and collectors to view this exciting mix of styles, subjects and mediums created by artists of exceptional talent. Loch Gallery offers expertise in the art of collecting. Our knowledge and commitment will ensure that you are building not only a collection, but also a timeless legacy that future generations will treasure.