Thiago Rocha Pitta

(Brazilian, born 1980)

temporal maps of a non sedimented land #3 by thiago rocha pitta

Thiago Rocha Pitta

Temporal maps of a non sedimented land #3, 2015

Price on Request

portal | gate by thiago rocha pitta

Thiago Rocha Pitta

Portal | Gate, 2021

10,000 USD

phosphorum amplificatio by thiago rocha pitta

Thiago Rocha Pitta

Phosphorum amplificatio, 2021

10,000 USD

solutio inaequalis by thiago rocha pitta

Thiago Rocha Pitta

Solutio inaequalis, 2021

6,000 USD

phosphorum amplificatio by thiago rocha pitta

Thiago Rocha Pitta

Phosphorum amplificatio

Price on Request



Born in Tiradentes MG, Brazil
Lives and works in Rio de Janiero, Brazil


A Rocky Mist, Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany (solo)
Timeout, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg
Landschaft 2.0, Kunstverein & Stiftung Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen (Germany) in collaboration with Edith Russ Site for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany
NatureNation, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
Timeout, Artnews Projects, Berlin
SEJA MARGINAL, SEJA HERÓI, Galerie Vallois, Paris
A Stake in the Mud, A Hole in the Reel, Land Arts Expanded Field 1968-2008, Museo Tamayo Arte Cotemporáneo - Mexico City; Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo – Vigo, Spain; Stadtkino, Kunsthalle Basel - Basel, Switzerland
Paraísos Indomitos/ Untamed paradises, Centro Andaluz Arte Contemporáneo - Sevilla, Fundació Suñol - Barcelona
Notes On An Inland Shipwreck, Andersen's Contemporary, Berlin (solo)
Calmaria, Galeria Millan, São Paulo, Brasil (solo)