Pablo Picasso
Femme aux Longs Cheveux (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Soneto IX (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Femme au Corsage à Pois (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
A Una Dama, Que Aviendo…(from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Tête de Femme au Long Cou (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
A la Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Sagrario…(from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Femme au Fichu (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Al sepulcro de Dominico Greco (from the Gongora suite, 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Femme en Buste, Une Main au Visage (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Soneto Burlesco, A Licito…(from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
Buste de Femme de Face (from the Gongora suite), 1948
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Pablo Picasso
A la Sangria…(from the Gongora suite), 1948
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