chudak (the nut) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Chudak (The Nut), 1927

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dvoryets i krepost' (palace & fortress) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Dvoryets i krepost' (Palace & Fortress), 1924

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syn direktora (son of the director) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Syn direktora (Son of the Director), ca. 1926

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parizhski sapozhnik (paris cobbler) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Parizhski sapozhnik (Paris Cobbler), 1928

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bolotnie ogni (smoldering fires) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Bolotnie ogni (Smoldering Fires), ca. 1925

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gornaya ballada (the sacred mountain) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Gornaya ballada (The Sacred Mountain), 1929

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koshmary proshlogo (nightmares of the past) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Koshmary proshlogo (Nightmares of the Past), 1925

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gostsirk (state circus) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Gostsirk (State Circus), 1926

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mut' (the dregs) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Mut' (The Dregs), 1928

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ostrov toguy (togui island) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Ostrov Toguy (Togui Island), 1929

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tsena zhizni (the price of life) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Tsena zhizni (The Price of Life), 1940

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three musketeers by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Three Musketeers

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kira kiralina by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Kira Kiralina, 1929

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taina mayaka (mysterious lighthouse) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Taina mayaka (Mysterious Lighthouse), 1925

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krasnye dyavolyata (the little red imps) by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Krasnye dyavolyata (The Little Red Imps), 1926

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zelimkhan by mikhail o. dlugach

Mikhail O. Dlugach

Zelimkhan, 1929

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