Art New York

Art New York

Pier 9412th Avenue at 55th Street New York, 10019, USA Tuesday, May 3, 2016–Sunday, May 8, 2016 Preview: Tuesday, May 3, 2016, 2 p.m.–5 p.m. Booth B9

a lady in black after klimt by yunsung jang

Yunsung Jang

A Lady in Black After Klimt, 2016

Not for Sale

The New York Academy of Art is pleased to present an exhibition at Art New York of alumni works selected by Peter Drake, Dean of Academic Affairs and Heidi Elbers, Director of Exhibitions. The International Figure focuses on the works of the Academy’s international alumni population.

Even at the height of Modernism the figurative tradition was actively pursued by progressive international artists. The graduate program at the New York Academy of Art focuses on progressive figurative and representational art and consequently attracts artists from all over the globe. With an international student population frequently close to fifty percent, students from China, Brazil, Nigeria and the rest of the world bring influences from their native countries to their new creative community in New York. This confluence enlivens discourse, challenges our expectations and confirms our belief that strong technical and conceptual training better prepares our students for their creative futures. This exhibition includes work from recent Academy graduates from Iran, Colombia, South Korea, Portugal and Panama, and reflects the wide range of talent and global outlook at the heart of the New York Academy of Art.

Featured artists: Gabriela Handal (MFA 2015), Brett Harvey (MFA 2011), Nicolas Holiber (MFA 2012, Fellow 2013), Sara Issakharian (MFA 2015), Yunsung Jang (MFA 2013, Fellow 2014), Esteban Ocampo (MFA 2015, Fellow 2016), Guno Park (MFA 2011), Eric Pedersen (MFA 2015), Elliot Purse (MFA 2014), James Raczkowski (MFA 2015), Amanda Scuglia (MFA 2013), Hannah Stahl (MFA 2015), Kathy Stecko (MFA 2000), Zoë Sua Kay (MFA 2014), Noelle Timmons (MFA 2013), Melanie Vote (MFA 1998), Mitra Walter (MFA 2006)