Colour Break 2019

Colour Break 2019

Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada Saturday, February 2, 2019–Sunday, March 31, 2019

miniature quan with red ball and swarovski crystal cap 16/28 by carole a. feuerman

Carole A. Feuerman

Miniature Quan with Red Ball and Swarovski Crystal Cap 16/28, 2020


bouree 2a1b1 - bright, geometric abstraction, modernist, acrylic on canvas by burton kramer

Burton Kramer

Bouree 2A1B1 - bright, geometric abstraction, modernist, acrylic on canvas, 2008

6,500 USD

overture by burton kramer

Burton Kramer

Overture, 2018


crescendo 1 - bright, colorful geometric abstract, contemporary acrylic on panel by burton kramer

Burton Kramer

Crescendo 1 - bright, colorful geometric abstract, contemporary acrylic on panel, 2018

7,200 USD

moog music 5c5q2 - bright, geometric abstraction, modernist, acrylic on canvas by burton kramer

Burton Kramer

Moog Music 5C5Q2 - bright, geometric abstraction, modernist, acrylic on canvas, 2007

6,800 USD

high sierra - pink, blue, contemporary, abstract, stainless steel sculpture by viktor mitic

Viktor Mitic

High Sierra - pink, blue, contemporary, abstract, stainless steel sculpture, 2018

7,800 USD

summer works - warm, bright, yellow, gestural abstract, acrylic on canvas by alice teichert

Alice Teichert

Summer Works - warm, bright, yellow, gestural abstract, acrylic on canvas, 2012

15,400 USD

Colour Break is Oeno Gallery’s annual antidote to winter!  Guaranteed to chase away the grey of winter, this curated group exhibition of colourful sculptures and paintings includes select Canadian and American artists.  New to Oeno Gallery are the hyper-realist sculptures by Carole Feuerman and the shimmering paintings of Malcolm Rains. The exhibition also includes vibrant artwork by Scott Pattinson, Alice Teichert, Aron Hill, Burton Kramer and Viktor Mitic.