Text Message

Text Message

Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada Saturday, September 16, 2017–Sunday, November 12, 2017

scripsit series no 04 - bright, vivid detail, realist, still-life oil on canvas by ciba karisik

Ciba Karisik

Scripsit Series No 04 - bright, vivid detail, realist, still-life oil on canvas, 2016

12,000 USD

cat's cradle no 5 - blue, white, indigenous, figurative animal acrylic on canvas by rick rivet

Rick Rivet

Cat's Cradle No 5 - blue, white, indigenous, figurative animal acrylic on canvas, 2005


central equation by alice teichert

Alice Teichert

Central Equation, 2016


The writing is on the wall in Oeno Gallery's Text Message, an exhibition of paintings, sculptures and prints that incorporate letters, words and hand written script.  As both visual imagery and language, words in artwork give powerful direction to thought. While text in art is not new - think of illuminated letters in medieval manuscripts - the use of language in 20th century art, in Dadaist, Surrealist or Pop art, forced viewers to ask themselves "what is art?" There is tension between reading and seeing a work of art. How this tension is used is integral to the artist's visual message.