portrait glamour de la femme-  by itzchak tarkay

Itzchak Tarkay

Portrait Glamour de la Femme-


jours d'ete  by itzchak tarkay

Itzchak Tarkay

Jours d'ete


journee d'etendante by itzchak tarkay

Itzchak Tarkay

Journee d'etendante


la cote sauvage by claude monet and georges william thornley

Claude Monet and Georges William Thornley

La Cote sauvage, 1892


pensive seated woman by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang

Pensive Seated Woman, 1989

Price on Request

seated figure by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang

Seated Figure, 1990


 huntress  by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang


Price on Request

emerald valley by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang

Emerald Valley, 1987

Price on Request

harp by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang


Price on Request

hunting ages by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang

Hunting Ages, 1990

Price on Request

mother and child by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang

Mother and Child


peace & friendship by ting shao kuang

Ting Shao Kuang

Peace & Friendship

Price on Request

portrait of patty raynes and son by andy warhol

Andy Warhol

Portrait of Patty Raynes and Son

Price on Request

campbell's soup can ink marker drawing on title-page of the philosophy of andy warhol book by andy warhol

Andy Warhol

Campbell's Soup Can ink marker drawing on title-page of the Philosophy of Andy Warhol book, 1975

Price on Request

portrait of dorothy blau-red by andy warhol

Andy Warhol

Portrait of Dorothy Blau-Red, 1983


header no. 54 by zeng jianyong

Zeng Jianyong

Header No. 54, 2007

Price on Request