rheinschiefer by frank suplie

Frank Suplie

Rheinschiefer, 2007

Price on Request

potsdam, dampfmaschinenhaus (moschee) by frank suplie

Frank Suplie

Potsdam, Dampfmaschinenhaus (Moschee), 1995

Price on Request

berlin, alte botschaft, macht und tod by frank suplie

Frank Suplie

Berlin, alte Botschaft, Macht und Tod, 1990

Price on Request

berlin, osthafen, getreidespeicher by frank suplie

Frank Suplie

Berlin, Osthafen, Getreidespeicher, 2000

Price on Request

berlin, auf der oberbaumbrücke by frank suplie

Frank Suplie

Berlin, auf der Oberbaumbrücke, 2020

Price on Request

berlin, s-bahnhof schöneberg by frank suplie

Frank Suplie

Berlin, S-Bahnhof Schöneberg, 2014

Price on Request

at the entrance of the palace by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

At the entrance of the palace

1,000 EUR

worship by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

Worship, 1945

1,200 EUR

the dance of the nymphs by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

The Dance of the Nymphs, 1943

1,000 EUR

surrealist architecture by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

Surrealist architecture, 1922

890 EUR

flower woman and volcano island by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

Flower Woman and Volcano Island, 1941

1,200 EUR

the lion in the arena by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

The lion in the arena, 1948

1,490 EUR

the sower's prayer by léopold survage

Léopold Survage

The sower's prayer, 1943

1,490 EUR

florentine lion by antonio susini

Attributed to Antonio Susini

Florentine Lion

950 EUR

la roche ii by graham sutherland

Graham Sutherland

La Roche II, 1972

Price on Request

composition au chapiteau by graham sutherland

Graham Sutherland

Composition au chapiteau, 1971

878 EUR