Achille Perilli: Il ritorno del rosso. (The return of red )

Achille Perilli: Il ritorno del rosso. (The return of red )

Via Fusetti 14 Milan, 20143, Italy Tuesday, April 11, 2023–Friday, May 26, 2023 Opening Reception: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

“The return of red” is the title of one of the twenty recent works by Achille Perilli exhibited in the rooms of Progetto elm

la buona fortuna, ( the good luck ) by achille perilli

Achille Perilli

La buona fortuna, ( The good luck ), 2009

Price on Request

the memory of a red by achille perilli

Achille Perilli

The memory of a red, 2015

Price on Request

The reference to the color red is not accidental, in a series almost entirely occupied by this colour, in many of its shades. Final part of a long life dedicated to painting - at the age of just twenty, in 1947, he was one of the signatories of the very famous Forma group, in Rome! -, this series of works sinks its typology until the end of the sixties, when for the Roman artist a sort of dichotomy was resolved which until then had governed the conception of his paintings, always "hovering" between narration and sign , between gestural writing and chromatic backgrounds.

The great interest and great importance that his painting has in the history of Italian art is precisely in this close confrontation between two possible "souls" of painting, which see the coexistence of interest in other linguistic codes - such as writing - and the traditional tools of painting. After a long coexistence between the codes, Perilli decidedly opted for the latter, which came out renewed, and not simply "victorious". It is therefore not a question of a real "return of red", but of a renewal of those colors: the comparison with other codes, as well as the broader comparison between different cultures, never leaves either of the two languages the same came in contact. The painting that emerged, therefore, brings with it a new DNA, in which that long frequentation of signs and writings is hidden somewhere.

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Achille Perilli Archive in Rome.