happyness - graffiti (glück - wandmalerei)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Happyness - Graffiti (Glück - Wandmalerei) , 2014

20 EUR

three wise monkeys - red (drei weise affen - rot)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Three Wise Monkeys - red (Drei weise Affen - rot) , 2014

20 EUR

three wise monkeys - hazel (drei weise affen - haselnuss farben)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Three Wise Monkeys - hazel (Drei weise Affen - Haselnuss farben) , 2014

20 EUR

flying luck pig (fliegendes glücksschwein)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Flying Luck Pig (Fliegendes Glücksschwein) , 2019

20 EUR

the year of the dog - blue (das jahr des hundes - blau)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

The Year of the Dog - blue (Das Jahr des Hundes - blau) , 2018

20 EUR

the voodoo thing - darkgrey (das voodoo ding - dunkelgrau) by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

The Voodoo Thing - darkgrey (Das Voodoo Ding - dunkelgrau), 2017

20 EUR

wir überleben das. (we will survive it)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Wir überleben das. (We will survive it) , 2017

20 EUR

the contemplation (die kontemplation)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

The Contemplation (Die Kontemplation) , 2017

20 EUR

love and peace - aubergine pastell (liebe und frieden - aubergine pastell) by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Love and Peace - Aubergine pastell (Liebe und Frieden - Aubergine pastell), 2016

20 EUR

cat black and white (katze schwarz und weiss)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Cat Black and White (Katze Schwarz und Weiss) , 2016

20 EUR

nude (nackt) by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Nude (Nackt), 2016

20 EUR

dog on grey font (hund auf grauem grund)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Dog on Grey Font (Hund auf Grauem Grund) , 2016

20 EUR

dog-black and white (hund - schwarz und weiss)  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Dog-Black and White (Hund - Schwarz und Weiss) , 2015

20 EUR

tanqueray no. 10  by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Tanqueray No. 10 , 2015

20 EUR

the tenderness (die zärtlichkeit) by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

The Tenderness (Die Zärtlichkeit), 2015

20 EUR

salmon cat (lachs katze) by jacqueline ditt

Jacqueline Ditt

Salmon Cat (Lachs Katze), 2016

20 EUR