Palimpsestic Impressions

Palimpsestic Impressions

Arusha Gallery London 6 Percy StreetLondon, W1T 1 DQ, United Kingdom Friday, January 12, 2024–Saturday, February 3, 2024

keeping the terror at bay by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

Keeping The Terror At Bay, 2023

220 EUR

accidental confrontation with the ferocious mister benny by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

Accidental Confrontation with The Ferocious Mister Benny, 2023

220 EUR

the direct line of communication between winston the persian cat and mortulio by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

The Direct Line of Communication Between Winston The Persian Cat and Mortulio, 2023

220 EUR

the loneliest man in the sea by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

The Loneliest Man in The Sea, 2023

220 EUR

all the love a reject can offer by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

All the Love a Reject Can Offer, 2023

220 EUR

the old mask and his two most trusted advisers by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

The Old Mask and His Two Most Trusted Advisers, 2023

220 EUR

the tremendously randy mister benny by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

The Tremendously Randy Mister Benny, 2023

220 EUR

blooming of the sanctified cattleya under the wolf moon by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

Blooming of The Sanctified Cattleya Under The Wolf Moon, 2023

220 EUR

leading the way of the victorious by cayetano sanz de santamaria

Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

Leading The Way of The Victorious, 2023

220 EUR

blotting by tobias francis

Tobias Francis

Blotting, 2023

1,210 EUR

shapeshifting by tobias francis

Tobias Francis

Shapeshifting, 2023

1,210 EUR

moon pull by tobias francis

Tobias Francis

Moon Pull, 2023

1,320 EUR

Curated by Danny Leyland

Dannielle Hodson, Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria, Billy Crosby, Albie Romero, Xanthe Burdett, Gus Monday, Julian Lombardi, Tobias Francis, Shane Keisuke Berkery, Beth Cowey, Hiromi Murai, Lihong Bai and Sean Davidson