"nude and mirror" by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

"Nude and Mirror", 1990

14,000–18,000 EUR

"monica with tulips" by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

"Monica with Tulips", 1989

22,000–26,000 EUR

"monica sitting, one leg on the other" by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

"Monica Sitting, One Leg on the Other", 1990

6,500–9,000 EUR

"judy with black hat" by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

"Judy with Black Hat", 1997

14,000–17,000 EUR

"jeannie's backyard" by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

"Jeannie's Backyard", 1990

9,000–12,000 EUR

claire sitting with robe half off (vivienne) by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

Claire Sitting with Robe Half Off (Vivienne), printed: 1993

20,000–25,000 EUR

bedroom face with orange wallpaper by tom wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

Bedroom Face with Orange Wallpaper, printed: 1987

24,000–28,000 EUR

ohne titel by zao wou-ki

Zao Wou-Ki

ohne Titel, 1972

Price on Request

ohne titel by zao wou-ki

Zao Wou-Ki

ohne Titel, 1972

Price on Request

ohne titel by zao wou-ki

Zao Wou-Ki

ohne Titel, 1972

Price on Request