Patricia Piccinini: We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep

Patricia Piccinini: We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep

260 Utah Street San Francisco, CA 94103, USA Saturday, May 14, 2016–Saturday, July 9, 2016 Opening Reception: Saturday, May 14, 2016, 4 p.m.–6 p.m.

the comforter by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

The Comforter, 2010

Price on Request

or all that exists by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Or all that exists, 2012

Price on Request

the osculating curve by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

The Osculating Curve, 2016

Price on Request

friends by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Friends, 2015

Price on Request

swarm (scarab) by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Swarm (Scarab), 2014

Price on Request

swarm (dauber wasp) by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Swarm (Dauber wasp), 2014

Price on Request

joined figure by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Joined Figure, 2016

Price on Request

crimson flux by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Crimson Flux, 2013

Price on Request

the dancer by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

The Dancer, 2016


altocumulous by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Altocumulous, 2006

Price on Request

tender by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Tender, 2014

Price on Request

bunker by patricia piccinini

Patricia Piccinini

Bunker, 2015

Price on Request

Since she burst into international prominence at the 2003 Venice Biennale, Patricia Piccinini has become famous for creating some of the most troubling and provocative artworks of our time. With silicone, fiberglass, resin, human hair and animal fur, she imagines creatures that are eerie in their verisimilitude to flesh, but disconcertingly surreal. Her work make us question what it means to be human, how that is rapidly changing through advances in medicine, science and technology, and how we might think differently to understand those changes.

In her first solo exhibition on the West Coast, Piccinini will exhibit sculptures, drawings and a single channel video exploring possibilities of genetic variation and modification, the natural versus the unnatural, and love and parenthood. Piccinini raises questions about the most important topics of our time from a surreal perspective somewhere between thought and emotion -- but always from a place of empathy and openheartedness.

Based in Melbourne, Patricia Piccinini (b. 1965, Freetown, Sierra Leone) represented Australia in the 2003 Venice Biennale. Her sculpture, video, drawing and installations have been exhibited extensively internationally and are in the collections of museums throughout the world.