PULSE Miami Beach 2015

PULSE Miami Beach 2015

Indian Beach Park 4601 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140, USA Tuesday, December 1, 2015–Saturday, December 5, 2015 Preview: Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 1 p.m.–4 p.m.

queen of cuddles by rina banerjee

Rina Banerjee

Queen of Cuddles


madmen and magic and medicine too could not rid of her this ugliness, her illness, her form, her figure, her inheritance and in wildest dream she was she, not like her others by rina banerjee

Rina Banerjee

Madmen and Magic and medicine too could not rid of her this ugliness, her illness, her form, her figure, her inheritance and in wildest dream she was she, not like her others


a red strand that strayed from mouth to foul's mouth without any doubt caught clear attention from all nations as her three heads turned - one from far land, one from island, one from homeland borrowed from old hands languages that new no white man by rina banerjee

Rina Banerjee

A red strand that strayed from mouth to foul's mouth without any doubt caught clear attention from all nations as her three heads turned - one from far land, one from island, one from homeland borrowed from old hands languages that new no white man


her jama would jingle as she stamped on her earth and willingly remained single by rina banerjee

Rina Banerjee

Her jama would jingle as she stamped on her earth and willingly remained single, 2011


sharp one by jim campbell

Jim Campbell

Sharp One, 2014

Price on Request

tablet by marco maggi

Marco Maggi

Tablet, 2014


independent red by marco maggi

Marco Maggi

Independent Red, 2014


stacking quotes by marco maggi

Marco Maggi

Stacking Quotes, 2014

Price on Request