untitled (selection from survival series) by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Untitled (Selection from Survival Series), 1983–1985

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conclusion blue by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Conclusion blue, 2016

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conclusion orange by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Conclusion orange, 2016

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amber essays-text: selections from inflammatory essays by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Amber Essays-text: Selections from Inflammatory Essays, 2003

20,000 USD

truism footstool (starvation is nature's way...) by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Truism Footstool (Starvation is nature's way...), 1988

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20 inflammatory essays by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

20 Inflammatory Essays, 1979–1982

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selection from 'living 1980 - 1982' by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Selection from 'Living 1980 - 1982', 1999

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blue inflammatory essays by jenny holzer

Jenny Holzer

Blue Inflammatory Essays, 2008

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alba by alex katz

Alex Katz

Alba, 2002

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rowboat by alex katz

Alex Katz

Rowboat, 1992

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nicole by alex katz

Alex Katz

Nicole, 2016

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three trees by alex katz

Alex Katz

Three Trees, 2018

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new year's eve by alex katz

Alex Katz

New Year's Eve, 1992

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morning by alex katz

Alex Katz

Morning, 1994

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one million years past - for all those who lived and died future - for the last one by on kawara

On Kawara

ONE MILLION YEARS Past - For all those who lived and died Future - For the last one, 1999

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blue (for leo) by ellsworth kelly

Ellsworth Kelly

Blue (for Leo), 1997

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