Keiki Yamada

(Japanese, born 1978)

enticed by the scent of mugwort by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Enticed by the scent of mugwort, 2020


sat on the shelf by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Sat on the shelf, 2020


grandma's warmth by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Grandma's warmth, 2020


boys' day by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Boys' day, 2020

2,000 USD

the supper time by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

The supper time, 2020

10,000 USD

how was school today? by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

How was school today?, 2020

7,200 USD

late home on christmas night by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Late home on Christmas night, 2020

7,200 USD

mellow japanese flavour by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Mellow Japanese flavour, 2020


an army marches on its stomach by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

An army marches on its stomach, 2020

5,700 USD

this paper's value is changing now.  by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

This paper's value is changing now. , 2016

2,900 USD

neon sign in the night  by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

Neon sign in the night , 2016

2,900 USD

the perfume of the milky soap by keiki  yamada

Keiki Yamada

The perfume of the milky soap, 2015




Born in Hokkaido, Japan