concentric rinds #387 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Concentric Rinds #387, 1953

Price on Request

relativity #388 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Relativity #388, 1953

Price on Request

spirals #390 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Spirals #390, 1953

Price on Request

trees and animals #391 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Trees and Animals #391, 1953

Price on Request

e is een ezel (donkey) #392 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

E is een Ezel (Donkey) #392, 1953

Price on Request

m is een muis (mouse) #393 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

M is een Muis (Mouse) #393, 1953

Price on Request

bookplate a. r. a. wertheim #394 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Bookplate A. R. A. Wertheim #394, 1954

Price on Request

candle flame #407 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Candle Flame #407, 1956

Price on Request

fish vignette #406 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Fish Vignette #406, 1955

Price on Request

three worlds #405 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Three Worlds #405, 1955

Price on Request

depth #403 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Depth #403, 1955

Price on Request

order and chaos ii #402 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Order and Chaos II #402, 1955

Price on Request

study for rind #401 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Study for Rind #401, 1955

Price on Request

liberation #400 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Liberation #400, 1955

Price on Request

convex and concave #399 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Convex and Concave #399, 1955

Price on Request

regular division of the plane v, red #420 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Regular Division of the Plane V, red #420, 1957

Price on Request