man with cuboid #430 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Man with Cuboid #430, 1958

Price on Request

flatworms #431 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Flatworms #431, 1959

Price on Request

regular division of the plane iv, red #419 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Regular Division of the Plane IV, red #419, 1957

Price on Request

circle limit ii #432 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Circle Limit II #432, 1959

Price on Request

fish and scales #433 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Fish and Scales #433, 1959

Price on Request

circle limit iii #434 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Circle Limit III #434, 1959

Price on Request

ascending and descending #435 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Ascending and Descending #435, 1960

Price on Request

circle limit iv (heaven and hell) #436 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Circle Limit IV (Heaven and Hell) #436, 1960

Price on Request

moebius stip i #437 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Moebius Stip I #437, 1961

Price on Request

four regular solids #438 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Four Regular Solids #438, 1961

Price on Request

waterfall #439 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Waterfall #439, 1961

Price on Request

larix #440 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Larix #440, 1961

Price on Request

moebius stip ii (red ants) #441 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Moebius Stip II (Red Ants) #441, 1963

Price on Request

fish and waves #442 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Fish and Waves #442, 1963

Price on Request

path of life iii #445 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Path of Life III #445, 1966

Price on Request

knots #444 by m.c escher

M.C Escher

Knots #444, 1965

Price on Request